Corona Updates from Chandrapur 20.04.2020Time - 5.00 P.M.

District Summary 
1. Total No of
     Admissions :             85

2. Total No of 
    Samples Collected  : 77

3. Total No of 
     Samples Negative :  76

4. Total No of Samples 
     Result awaited  :         1

5. Total No of Sample
     Positive  :                      0

6. Total No of Sample
     Inconclusive  :             0

7. Total No of Patient 
     Discharge after
     Results  Negative :  84

8. Total No of Covid-19
     Positive,  Cured and
     Discharge  :                  0

9. Total No of Patient
     Admit but stable  :      0

10. Total No of Patient
     Critical  :                        0

11.Total No of
      Passengers ( Total No
      Passenger coming in
      Chandrapur District
      from Out Country /
      Out of State / Out of
      Districts ) :         29975   

12. Under Surveillance
       passengers  - 
      (Total No Passenger
      coming in Chandrapur
       District from Out  
       Country / Out of
       State /Out
       of Districts ) :    2176

13. Surveillance
      completion (14 Day 
      of incubation period
      consider) -
     ( Total No Passenger
     coming in Chandrapur
     District from Out
     Country / Out of
     State / Out of
     Districts ) :

14) Institutional
          Persons   :             96

15) Still in Hospital
       Positive patients :     0

DH CHANDRAPUR  :        0

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